Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Common Art Summer Project - Code Name: Monster Lady

I got together with the team and we set up our project directory 

I, along with the other members of the team, worked on a Pintrest board and did research as to the kind of character that we wanted to design and found references for the type of creature we'd want to work on. 

We met and broke down the project into the specifics of what we want for the final design, bringing together multiple concept artworks into one design. 

I then figured out the motion path of the character for their showcase demo and created an animatic based on this motion path. 

Then, after getting my hands dirty working on it, I did some research and broke down the character into needing 3 different kinds of references: Birds, Chinese Dragons, Mermaids. 

I sat down with the other members of the team and fleshed out the team's Sprint Schedule

I compiled everyone's Pur Ref boards and exported them onto the powerpoint and compiled it into a master Pur Ref board. 

I formatted and created the powerpoint for the presentation and formatted it for presentability. 

I took our deliverables schedule and broke it down into a presentable format for the presentation. 

Check out the full PPT Presentation: 

Sprint 3 Animation Pass 1

  So for the majority of the two weeks, we focused on troubleshooting some rig stuff that have been integrating funny with the animation. We...