Thursday, October 26, 2023

Harry Potter: Week 9 VR Hands And Props (Proxy Pass)


For this project, I've taken point on leading the vision for the product's final design and look. Our team had a passion for recreating Dumbledore and his office for this project. During the planning process, I worked on fleshing out the layout for the scene and giving the 3D artists their floorplan to work with for their whiteboxing. I also led the team on the vision for the desired overall tone for the scene and planning out what assets would be used as interactable, who the characters would be, and what would be needed for the overall project. 
As we went through the process of implementing environment for the project, I assisted in making sure the room felt like the office from the movies/books and was of a scale that was accurate to the stories they were based on. In short, I'm the big Harry Potter nerd on the project and they used my geek knowledge to make sure we were doing what was accurate and gave off the proper vibes for the project. 

Mainly for assets: I created and developed iterations for all of the animations for our VR hands. I created an infrastructure for my hand animations and developed a system in maya for working on all of them. 

Final Sprint | Monster Lady Project | Animator's Update

What I did this Sprint:  Did final adjustments to the animation file Played around with the lighting and assisted Willow wherever needed Wor...